December, by all accounts, is a magical month with significant cause for reflection and celebration. A crown jewel, if you will, for the year that has passed.
A December wedding captures that magic, which serves as an elixir to enchant and entertain. This particular story began decades ago when a young rising star in the floral industry created personal flowers and wedding event decor for his friend and former classmate Alice, and her fiancee Kevin. The wedding occurred in their shared hometown of Monroe, a wonderful town east of Atlanta.
Fast forward to 2018...Alice and Kevin have shared many years together, blessed with prosperity and two beautiful daughters, Mary Grace and Elizabeth.
Our next chapter includes a visit by Cupid. It was a fly-by, with arrows targeting both Elizabeth and her boyfriend Matthew. The potent potion did its trick, materializing as a ring on Elizabeth's finger and a smile on her face!
Facebook does a remarkable job of catching up and keeping up with past acquaintances. A post by Alice regarding Elizabeth's news was cause for celebration, earning a "heart" reaction from Al. A series of phone calls between the two (Yes, people still use their phones as originally intended!) resulted in a design consultation for Elizabeth to create the wedding floral design and decor that would define her special day.
Our final chapter returns us to Monroe in our finest attire with full and happy hearts. Coming home is a journey; an opportunity to live and relive. What was once mother's is now daughter's; a floral tale to tell.
As they say..."What goes around, comes around!"